statement of intent

 In my music video i plan to address the brief and meet its requirements by selecting a protest song which the brief states the video must be. In my video i will aim to keep the viewer interested throughout by having lots of stuff going on and switching between several different shots. I might consider using different coloured clothes and stuff like that as that might keep the majority interested as something will be different in every shot. I will probably have different camera angles and filming styles which will also keep the diversity of the music video in turn making it interesting. I could also have a lot of action in between each shot. 

I plan to film my music video in school as im in boarding school it would be difficult to film at home as i will not be back there for some while, although it would have been a good scene for a protest song as my home town is slightly rundown so i could have set that decayed sort of scene as it would present the idea of protest a little better in my opinion. But nevertheless i am blessed with my current surroundings in that there is a lot of variety in where i can film for example, classrooms, woods, or boarding houses. 

My mis en scene will be need to reflect the brief so i could use the forest or a run down building on campus. Furthermore i could film on days where the weather isn't too good (as in its dark or raining rather than sunny and bright), or i could edit the video but i would have to consider how well it would come and out and how realistic it would look. Additionally i would have a further problem which would be that i would most likely have to film on days where it was sunny if i chose that, as even if i edited the footage it would not look the same as if it was naturally bad weather so that would mean i could only film on days where there is good weather and considering we are approaching winter i would say that it is not the best idea to film in good weather rather than poor weather. Aiming to match the brief with how i or others are dressed in comparison to the brief i would be best of wearing tracksuits which would fit with the stereotype of the type of people the video is about. On the other hand i could wear expensive clothes which could suggest that even through bad times, success has been reached and even though its a protest song it could show hope for people who have injustice.


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